Belajar Bahasa Italia Pemula II

Parlo Italiano

How to pronounce:
Cara Membaca Alphabet Italia , How to pronounce Italian alphabet untuk Belajar Bahasa Italia Pemula level dasar / basic bagian ke-2.

Letter Pronounciation Example Of Words
C in front of I, E Ci, Ce Cinema, Cento, Circo, Cintura
C in front of A,O,U Ka, Ko, Ku Calcio, Corso, Curva
CH in front of I, E Ki, Ke Chi, Che
G in front of I, E Ji, Je Giocare, Gennaio
G in front of A, O, U Ga, Go, Gu Galleria, Gorilla, Guida
GH in front of I, E Gi, Ge Ghiandola, Ghetto
GLI lli Gliserna
GN Ny Gnome
SC in front of I, E Sy Sci, Scenario
SCH Sk Schema

has written by wisnu hartanto
NB: If you find letter ( a' ), like in the end of word then you should read the last letter with more pressure. Essempio: Citta', Ativita', Universita'

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